Equip our students with the skills necessary to respond to the opportunities and challenges associated with ever changing society.


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Chairman's Message

St Thomas Matriculation Higher Secondary School envisages to mould a socially committed,  culturally grounded, academically brilliant and spiritually upright new generation. In our passion to achieve this goal, we strive constantly to upgrade, update and uphold our value system and pedagogical approaches. 

We prefer to bring out the inherent talents in our children rather than selecting the privileged few.  We regard education as a chipping tool that chips out the unwanted rock to manifest the latent beauty. 

Nevertheless we provide secular education, we are strongly based on spiritual values and hence our motto,  "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." Our children shall be encouraged to grow in a spiritual way so that they'll have the discernment to impart their acquired knowledge in a fruitful manner.

We offer educational training based on these principles from Kindergarten to Class XII. We assure that our committed and qualified teachers shall develop in the children a passion for learning and moreover they'll be enabled to know how to learn. 

As Leo Buscaglia puts it,  "Change is the end result of all true learning." And we are here to facilitate positive change through learning. 

Rev.Fr.Anish Mathew
